
Nitro Belt Tension Setting


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Nitro belt tensioning is checked and set by measuring the frequency, not by traditional deflection gauge. The frequency test is more reliable and more accurate.

Video to the right is an example of the professional gates sonic tool.

Do not be alarmed, no need to buy special tools, we can replicate this accurately with a simple mobile phone app. A few applications have been tested and compared to the more expensive dedicated tool. 2 of which produce accurate reliable results and both of which are free to down load and use.

For Android we use the Frequency Spectrum App from the google store. Link below.

For iPhone users we have the Fine Tuner app from apples app store. Link Below

The video to the right is an example of myself using the app to check belt tension. I first tried this in my garden and got many false readings, due to the rather noisy birds chirping away in the trees. Once indoors I get fairly consistent accurate readings.

Load the app and hold the bottom of your phone near to the belt and strum the belt as if you were trying to play a note. You can see in the video my belt is a little loose at 290hz but it is not yet slipping. I will tighten this.

This fine tuner app is designed for tuning guitars, the only numbers we are interesting in are the hz. not the letters at the bottom, they are the chords for guitars. just the hz.

The correct setting is 370hz

Do not go over 370hz and thus far as low as 300hz has been working fine but we aim to set at 350-370hz for optimum performance.

Correct Setting = 370hz

Once you have used the tensioning app, you may need to adjust your belts tension. The next video is a short explanation of how I tighten the belt. It take 5 minutes and can be performed with the prop attached if your allen key is long enough. Removing the prop give you more room to work.

With practice you can ping the belt as part of your preflight and can hear a difference in the tone.

Checking the belt tension.

Tensioning the belt.

How do I know my belt needs tensioning?

Chirping and or hard to pull start. Yes finding your nitro harder to start. Its probably the belt tension.
